Dad preached a wonderful message and gave an altar call. The man in the yellow shirt and his brother to his left were little boys when my Dad told their Dad about Jesus. Vonnie and I were 2 and 3 when we moved to Honduras and Marc was born there a couple years later.
This is the sign welcoming my parents back to Honduras. Interesting spelling of "Sankey." :-)

One of the first Honduran converts (she's 100 now). 40 years ago my Dad found her husband (Don Priciliano) working by the road. Don Priciliano told my Dad, "My neighbor and I have wondered if anyone would ever come and tell us about God."
This is the 40th Anniversary celebration in San Pedro Sula. There were 350 people in the building and at least that many outside, standing at the windows, doors, on the sidewalk and in the street. It was a very special time for our family.

One of the first Honduran converts (she's 100 now). 40 years ago my Dad found her husband (Don Priciliano) working by the road. Don Priciliano told my Dad, "My neighbor and I have wondered if anyone would ever come and tell us about God."

I've been enjoying all your pictures from you trip. I just havn't had time to comment! Keep them coming, I'm sure you have LOTS more!! :-)
Enjoyed seeing these pictures. I love the vibrant colors in that plant picture.
Precious memories.... how they linger. :) Sooooooo wish Marc and Melodie could have been there. :(
Beth, surely enjoyed seeing these pics of your trip! Such NEAT memories! And I'm so glad that Vonnie is now able to post her pics. Phillip and I spent about a half an hour looking at her pics and reading all about y'all's trip. We surely enjoyed all that we saw! Since we are trying to start several works from "scratch" and are overwhelmed at times with how little we know of the culture, etc. Phillip got chocked up thinking that one day we might we able to come back to Colombia to see all GOD has done here from our tiny efforts too.
Love, Heather and family Bogota, Colombia! =)
Enjoyed your pictures and comments. Thanks for keeping protocol with your comments on our blog otherwise I would have had to stay up all night long after reading Vonnie's blog. Your's is short and sweet and to the point. :) I was dissappointed not to get to use some of my Spanish... vamanos... andale. Andrew
Enjoyed your pictures so much....That has to be so rewarding as missionaries to see the fruits of your hard work...What a blessing! May God continue to bless you all as you work for Him!
Beth, great photos in all three of your blogs about the trip to CA. I'm glad you could all go and enjoy the time. Lots of differences since you lived in Guatemala, eh?
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