Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Guest Professors Arrive

Rev. Daniel Stetler and Rev. Paul Alexander visiting the Bible Methodist Church in San Rafael.

Beth, Steve and Dan Stetler, Paul Alexander, Marc and Melodie Sankey, Maria Stetler and Joe Hough eating at the home of Pastor Cedillo.

Dan Stetler with Pastor Pablo in La Boca.

Paul Alexander with Pastor Pablo.

Dan preaches in Saltillo, while Paul translates (excellently, I might add!).

Please pray for the Institute classes which are continuing this week. This is a very important time for our Pastors and laypeople.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Distribution of Donated Items

We want to send a special "Thank You" to those who have so generously donated clothing, shoes, blankets, children's supplies, etc. to our people here in Mexico. Here are some pictures taken in the village of La Boca.

Beautiful blankets for those chilly, desert nights.
The people appreciate the selection of clothing.

Eating a meal together.

Working on a donated project.

The finished product.

Thursday, March 11, 2010


We are beginning to get some warmer temperatures here in Saltillo, Mexico... Not a minute too soon! :o)

Geraniums on our back patio.

Geraniums on our front balcony.

Bamboo, greenery, flowers and miniature roses in our teeny, tiny side yard.
It is desert here. It takes too much water to keep a large garden alive. I actually drained our tank watering the grass the other night. So, we went 12 hours without water. :/ I'll try not to do that again!! :o)

Monday, March 8, 2010

Special Services in Saltillo

Our evangelist was Abel Rodriguez, from Guatemala. He pastors the HIM Church in Salamanca, Mexico.

Abel, with his wife, Misaela.

Rev. Refugio (Cuco) Sanchez from the Bible Methodist Church in Cuchicuato, preached several times, as well. His positive attitude and spiritual zeal is such a blessing!

The Saltillo Church recently did some remodeling on their dining area.

The Sunday crowd gathers in for stewed chicken, rice and tortillas.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Distributing Donated Shoes

We have received some boxes of very nice things from friends in the USA and have had the privilege of delivering the items to our people here in Mexico.

Thank you all for your contributions. Everything is so needed and appreciated.