Thursday, February 26, 2009

Oaxaca - Part 3

Rev. Parker, Rev. Sankey and Mexico Bible Methodist Conference President Dolores Hernandez pray with the Pastor at Jayacatlan, Oaxaca.

Pastor's wife, Chele, and Pastor Alejandro with their gifts from Auburn Bible Methodist Church and study books, "Exploring Christian Holiness," provided by the Alabama Bible Methodist Conference/President Walter Hedstrom. A big "Thank You" to all who gave to these projects!

Dinner at the parsonage in Jayactlan.

Steve Stetler, Pastor Alejandro, Rev. Parker, and Dolores Hernandez at Jayacatlan church.


Tamra said...

Can you tell us what the guys were eating? From trying to read Marc's espression in the photo, he looks like he isn't so sure about what's before him. LOL! (I'm probably mistaken though...)

Ronda said...

Love seeing pictures of your interesting, inspiring life there in Mexico! Have a great weekend! :)

Beth Stetler said...

They were eating black beans, tortillas, scrambled eggs with hot dogs and chiles, and coffee.