Sunday, December 5, 2010


A tote full of school supplies, ready for distribution. Thank you for your donations!

Melodie and I organizing donated items in Marc's office.

Steve working on a construction project in the town of San Rafael.

A scorpion that I discovered in our house in Saltillo.

Fortunately, Steve was home and the scorpion lives no more. ;o)

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Zacatecas - Part 3

Singing praise choruses as we wait for the people to gather in for the outdoor service.

Part of the congregation reading along in their new Bibles during the service.

A young girl reading out of the Bible we were able to give her.

Steve with some of the boys, who are holding their new books.

One of the most fulfilling things we do is to visit these remote villages and to be able to be His hand extended to them both spiritually and materially through the distribution of donated clothing, shoes, books and Bibles.