Along with the cold weather, came a broken pipe, which led to the discovery that the water tank on the roof (which is our water supply) was lidless, which contributes to water that looks like this.
And this ...
And this!
The tank is now clean, but I am sick just thinking about showering, washing clothes, washing dishes and brushing my teeth in that sludge! UGH! :o(
That's awful .. . such a small thing here in the states - may I be ever grateful! :>)
Wow, so sorry! I promise, your reward will be great in Heaven some day!
nasty, nasty!! Keep that lid bolted down. :-)
Hello Beth,
I talked to you when you were at our church in Troy, MO about sending clothes. My problem is, I forgot where to send it to.
I would love to hear back from you. If you don't need them, that's fine, I'll take them to the Goodwill. :)
P.S. sorry about your water tank. Growing up in New Guinea, I can totally relate. :/
Hmm, I think that you might as well say goodbye to anything white. Sorry about your water issues.
Beth, that is discusting! Sorry for the yucky water problem. Glad that it is fixed now!
God bless y'all!
Yuck!!!! :( I'm glad you got the water problem fixed.I don't even think that would be healthy to brush your teeth with it or drink it.
Oh dear...I think that I just lost my appetite for dinner! :)
Sorry you've had some issues! Not fun at all!
We are praying for you guys! God bless...
Ew, and I thought WE HAD problems! Glad your tank is now clean!
That looks nasty! Wonder how long you'd have to boil that to make it anywhere near safe. :) Hope it's better soon!
Beth, you are so modest that you didn't even post anything about you having a birthday. =D I hope that you had a very special day! =)
Hope you had a great birthday. I thought of you because I remembered you and Susanne shared the same day. :-)
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